Monday, August 18, 2014

Marilyn Monroe shirts

I see these shirts everywhere and It makes me feel bad for Marilyn Monroe. All of them just copy paste her head onto a girl's body and add other things like guns or glasses. The weirdest one I saw is the "selfie" shirt where someone awkwardly added an arm to make it look like she is taking a picture of herself. I can't be the only one that cringes right? The people that design these shirts always use the same picture of marilyn which you can tell because she always has a slight tilt in her head. I think the worst ones are the ones where she has lots of tattoos and is smoking or holding a gun or wearing a bandana. I don't mind those things but it just feels forced to put them on marilyn. I don't hate these shirts, I'm actually going to make a picture of marilyn monroe with kurt cobain and get that screen printed onto a shirt


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