Monday, May 18, 2015

I accomplished a lot today & I'm selling some phones

Job wise it was dead but since life goes on regardless of if I'm employed or not, I still did some things today. I went to target this morning and got a hot wheels bmw M4 then I went to savers which was a bust then it was off to goodwill. That turned out better because either a kid's mom donated his ps2 games or an angry wife donated her husband's ps2 games as their was more then 4 games. The shelves had: hitman trilogy, ace combat 4, ddr max2, GTA3, scarface, various madden games, nhl 06, gran turismo 3, medal of honor rising sun and megaman anniversary collection which i purchased. 

When I arrived home my new battery arrived for my droid 2 and here is where business picked up. To make it short, it is my phone's charger port that doesn't work right. However I also have an HTC wildfire S which I got for cheap awhile go but don't use. I got the idea to say ciao to my droid and use the HTC as my main but....I didn't realize how little internal memory the HTC has. I downloaded 2 apps and it was full already. I went to ebay and then bought another droid 2 although this one is working great.

While this was going on, I was texting a friend about hanging out(I got stood up) and looking for apps that let me back up my save data and bookmarks then I dl'd an app to save my bookmarks. I have a 3rd phone that i use as an mp3 player since I got it for real cheap (an LG optimus V) and I was switching between 3 phones.

I also took pics of 2 phones to sell them and I currently use the LG and downloaded a texting app and sync'd my gmail, it sounds like I didn't accomplish much but it was a lot to day and it took me about 3 hours. I also won a hot wheels batpod with a batman action figure on ebay for $1 so I got it 50% off. Throughout this I also ate pizza hut and made banana smoothies with a magic bullet(great invention).

Ok now to the nitty gritty and the 2nd part of my entry title, I am selling a droid 2 for $10 and a HTC wildfire S for $15. Both phones work great and have no issues with the touchscreen or speaks. But here's the bad part, the droid 2 has the wonky charger port and it doesn't come with a battery. The HTC doesn't have the charger but I'll have it charged 100% and it uses android chargers. Both phones have some minor scratches on the screen and the droid 2 has a small crack on the plastic case on the left side

If your interested in either one then comment this post or email me at

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