Saturday, December 19, 2015

Retro saturdays and wario land 2

Wario land 2 like it's title suggests, is the sequel to jurassic park ok I keed on that one. The follow up to wario land changed the game by getting rid of a time limit and being unable to die. So each level had obstacles that would only set you back.

I got the game used at a nerd store(called tronix) that only sold pc games and video games and pc parts and let you play pc games until the wee hours of the morning. Literally it was open from like 6pm to around 3-4am. It was used so I got it cheap and I remember this vividly that it would not save.

I assumed the game was supposed to be beaten in go because it had multiple branching paths, for example it is possible to go directly from the 1st level to the last boss. Imagine my frustration when I realized years later the game kept a file of your progress.

WL2 is a must play even if you don't know who wario is, it's cleverly layed out levels among with the tight gameplay and unique minigames means you can't put it down so easily. I know I couldn't when I owned it when I was little

I should mention that I owned the black gameboy color version and not the grey gameboy version

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