Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The newest episode of the xfiles was great

1st off I assumed it was a comedy episode and it was well executed. There is a lizard creature loose that shoots blood out of it's eyes similar to the horned lizard. Mulder seems to be at war with his phone because of an app that keeps taking pictures.

The lizard gets cornered into a portapotty which is revealed to contain a guy with a snazzy hat. Oh this was all discovered by a forest ranger. Ok back to the story, mulder and scully check into a cheap motel(no not for sex) when mulder overhears the owner yelling about a monster.

He investigates a trashed room where he discovers the owner mounted animal heads on each room as a way to spy on customers. He also finds the lizard man's medication, this leads to mulder seeing mr lizard's psychiatrist who hints he might be at the cemetery. So at the graveyard, the lizard man is there but he's a werelizard and is actually a monster that turned human not vice versa.

There's also a scene earlier where he was working at a cell phone store and scully ran into him. Anyways he spills his secrets and catches everyone up on what he was doing. He is actually innocent and didn't kill anybody. Mulder believes him and goes to the pet store where scully is.

Apparently the actual killer was the park ranger and mulder should have paid attention to scully. He does have one final goodbye with the werelizard at the forest. Mulder seems to have a case of the mondays in the start of the episode.

He claims how everything is a prank or hoax and how all serial killers are the same. Someone could micro analyze this episode and say some people(donald trump, ruben patterson, tom couglin) are more monster then person 

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