Friday, December 30, 2016

Retro fridays and mario is missing

Mario is missing has stayed in my memory ever since I rented it from hollywood video one time. See back when I was little you couldn't just look up things on google or the internet and wikipedia didn't exist much less using your phone to look things up. So video games were more of a surprise as you only had magazines to go by. The point of all this is that there was games out there that I didn't know existed, common popular games too not super indie 10 copies made games

Mario is missing blew my mind when I first saw it, I was bored of super mario world and I wanted more mario action so I thought this was a long lost sequel and I had to rent it. The opening cutscene and title is very reminiscent of super mario world so I got my hopes up. Well I quickly got crushed and realized that life doesn't always work out the way you want it

You walk around as lugi in various towns and you can't attack the enemies and they can't attack you. Your supposed to collect artifacts I assume and that's the whole game

I still don't know what the buttons do and where to go and I learned that I shouldn't trust a game based on it's franchise

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