Saturday, May 27, 2017

Retro saturdays and beavis and butthead do america

Beavis and butthead do america is the only movie release in the beavis and butthead series and it had a theatrical release at the height of the tv show's popularity. I saw it in theaters in it's first week despite not having cable so I didn't know much about b&b(that doesn't stand for bed and breakfast) but I did enjoy the movie. I remember there was a lot of edgy kids and teens trying hard to be cool and how b&b were huge and it mocked godzilla movies at the start

The movie itself is good if you like the show otherwise it would seem pretty slow and vanilla but something about beavis and butthead gives me a lot of nostalgia. Maybe it's the fact that we only had them to worry about polluting the airways or that it was a simpler time but the movie gives me strong nostalgia

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