Friday, July 21, 2017

Retro fridays and the matrix reloaded

I was there when matrix reloaded came out and there was a huge amount of hype for it. If you haven't seen the 1st matrix, well it was a surprise hit about a computer hacker who is the one who can save the world. See it turns out what we know as the internet is a lot more real so people jack into the internet as an 3D avatar. Anyways the matrix had a different plot and the cool effects know as bullet time and cool enemies such as the agents and agent smith. So of course there had to be a sequel and that was known as the matrix reloaded. My friends saw it at midnight but I didn't see it until later on that year when the other sequel(matrix revolutions) came out. Similar to how back to the future 2 and 3 came out really close to each other, 2 matrix sequels came out in the same year

Every kid at lunch would always talk about the matrix reloaded and it's neat bullet time effects, the movie was so so acting wise but people didn't go to see it froe the convoluted story arc, no they went to see the fight on top of a speeding semi on a busy freeway. Actually the whole freeway scene is worth the price of admission. All of the vehicles are general motors but don't let that distract you, seeing the agents jump like frogs and the 2 semi's crash is great, so is neo to save the day and the twins escalade ext exploding. The scene were neo fights a lot of agent smiths is also amazing and kick butt

There isn't much else to the movie unless you want to be extremely confused so just watch it and enjoy the fight scenes like how I did. Oh when this movie came out it was extremely popular to have a matrix letters screen saver or wallpaper. Here's part 1 and part 2 and part 3 and part 4 of the freeway scene

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