Saturday, November 26, 2016

Retro saturdays and beanie babies

Ah beanie babies, once so beloved by adults and childern, now they are thrown to the wayside and forgotten about by mostly everyone until someone says "remember when beanie babies were cool" yes I do remember. I'm not sure how the fad started but it was cool in the 90's to collect beanie babies and like most fads, a lot of people went overboard. Beanie babies themselves are small stuffed animals with beads or some type of bean inside and a TY tag and a heart tag that says it's name and a small description. I don't remember how much they cost but they were pretty inexpensive and i owned about 2 or 4. The fad lead to a happy meal toy called teenie babies which I will cover in another post, what I most remember about beanies babies is how rabid people were for them(picture black friday but worse) and it seems like everyone was buying them to save for later because they would go up in value

Well it turns out that didn't happen and beanie babies are worth less then what they did in the 90's. I recently saw one at a rummage sale for 20 cents so of course I got it. That also describes how far beanie babies have fallen. So many people bought so many beanie babies and assumed they were going to be rich in about 15 to 20 years. The irony out of this is that some things released around the same time are actually worth some big money if you kept them sealed. I didn't buy into the fad and I'm glad I didn't but the little stuffed animals bring me a lot of nostalgia when I see them at goodwill or savers. Oh they were popular around 1996 through 1998

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