Sunday, November 20, 2016

The past few days have been eventful

First off I have to post that whatever I say as an employee of burlington coat factory that my views/opinions are strictly my own and do not reflect the views of burlington or it's affiliates

Ok first up I got pokemon moon on launch day and I'm having fun with it. I have not played X or Y or the ruby/sapphire remakes so the 3D gameplay is new to me and it throws me off. I choose the owl starter and I am currently at level 12 and training outside close to the pokecenter by route 1 close to your house. The one thing I noticed is that this game uses a lot of the 3ds power and it uses battery faster then other games. It also does that special start up that super smash bros and monster hunter have where they take awhile to start because they shut down some of the system resources and running programs. I think this game freezes if you try to play a different game from the home menu

The music is really catchy and the pokecenter has the same music from red/blue but slowed down and remixed, they also have a cafe so pokecenters are one stop shops to heal/buy items/buy coffee. I like the rockruffs which are dog pokemon with some sort of spiky rock collar around their neck. There is a lot of cut scenes that drag out the story and I wish they could have been sped up or skipped but I don't mind. The gameplay is solid as always. The game is money well spent and onto a different thing now

Yesterday I went to orientation at burlington for the cashier position. It went well although there was a lot of information thrown at me at once but luckily for me, burlington raises a positive, supportive environment. The coworkers I met are nice and I can ask questions without seeming like a pest, I can tell the manager or manager on duty that I need more training and I can do more orientation training. I don't have to be quiet and fail, I'll ask on my 1st day if I can use a register by myself 1st to recap and because some things you won't understand until you actually try them in person. I can also shadow someone and ask questions and if I am thrown into the fire and start cashiering right away well the only things I need cleared up are how to print out a gift receipt and how to do a return. I am confident in myself and my skills that I have learned in my previous job and the people aren't in much of a hurry as in my previous job so I can make small talk with customers. I already have some black dockers style pants i got new and cheap 2 or 3 weeks ago and I got  a black polo shirt and a black shirt that looks like a sweater with a polo shirt type collar. I'm going to be on the lookout for another black polo shirt for cheap

I am a seasonal on call employee and my 1st day is later this month after thanksgiving however since I am on call there is a chance an employee can call in sick and I will have my 1st day earlier then expected. I am nervous and anxious about my 1st day but I believe it will go awkwardly at first then I'll get the hang of it and become a model employee. There is also a chance after the holidays end that I get hired as a normal non seasonal employee and I would love to stay onboard permanently

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