Friday, February 24, 2017

Retro fridays and the jurassic park arcade game

Released in arcades a year after the movie release of jurassic park 1, jurassic park the arcade game became an instant hit. Who wouldn't want to explore isla nublar and fight a t rex(or 2) and try to survive. But what made an impact to me and many other kids is the sit down display more specifically the one that looks like the back of a jeep wrangler. The back half of a jeep isn't just for decoration either as it has hydraulics built in so it moves up and down when you play. This simulates a bumpy ride and was mind blowing to many kids

At the arcades I could never beat the game as some sections are pretty tough and I usually spent $1 or $2 at most so I wasn't a big balla to have enough $$ to beat the game. I did beat it a few years later at an arcade that had it set to free play and it is quite an accomplishment. Sure the graphics may seem dated today but the gameplay is really addicting

It is well worth a play through especially if you like dinosaurs or arcade light gun games

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