Tuesday, February 27, 2018

2 years ago my grandpa died

My mom's dad died 2 years ago and it feels like it wasn't that long ago. It's sad that he had to die so close to my sister's birthday as that will always cast a dark shadow. Since she was born I have been there to take pictures of my sister's bday except for in 2016 when she went to see my grandpa, this year I will continue that streak as I will have the day off thanks to life finding a way. In the past 2 years I have gotten my current job and have bought a car(which I am selling) and have seen my sister start kindergarten. I gotten more serious about my photography and am doing my co worker's wedding, I got a free xbox 360 on black friday, I got more retro things, crystal pepsi has come and gone 3 times  I believe, even my dad's dad died this year so It's been an interesting 2 years to see how far I come

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

I haven't posted in awhile

Mostly because I have been extremely busy with work(5 or 6 day work weeks) and when I am not working, I am doing misc things like my taxes(done) or working on my car or going to the 99 cents stores to buy lego dimenion sets(anyone want to trade? I'm looking for back to the future sets)

My good friend/co worker is getting married so I am the photographer for her wedding, I took her engagement pictures last week but I am also photoshopping them to make them look nicer so that is taking up a lot of my spare time. I haven't forgotten about this blog and I still keep things retro on fridays and saturdays. I have some ideas for blog posts only I don't have much time

Another thing is that I am still selling my car only I have replaced the front 2 shocks/struts and cv joint axles and the tags are good until feb 2019 so I am asking $1700 for it