Friday, February 26, 2016

Retro fridays and ape escape

Ape escape is a 3D platformer for the ps1 where you have to capture monkeys in a net that have turned evil. Well there's more to the story but it's window dressing for this game because of the gameplay. It broke ground when it was released because it needed a dual shock controller(controller with 2 analog sticks).

You could not play AE with a older playstation controller(one without the dual sticks), so did you need a dual shock controller? the left stick is used for controlling your character and the other stick controls your weapon.

It seems simple today but this was unheard of at the time when only the left stick was used and usually to replace the dpad. The game itself has tight addictive gameplay with a variety of levels.

Each level has a certain number of monkeys among with hidden coins that can be used to unlock mini games. My favorite is the monkey boxing and monkey skiing.

AE was seen as sony's answer to super mario 64 but it is also now a timeless classic. It's also on psp but the ps1 original is the best because of the dual shock controller

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