Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The LA Zoo gave me 90's nostalgia

Since the last time I went to the zoo was in the 90's. The property hasn't changed much except for some taller trees and some animals got relocated. By property I mean the acreage is still the same as when I was little. Walking past the gates and it was major deja vu and I almost felt like I went through a time warp. The seal tank was in the exact same location as was the cave structure(the seal tank was closed though). The gift shops were in the same locations as were the flamingos and I'm sure their wasn't mallards and swans last time I went but the mini pond is the same. The LAIR is new and when I went it was a bigger building that housed nocturnal animals, which was one thing I hoped would still be around but alas time travel isn't invented yet(It will be in oct of this year). The giant snake and alligator and gecko statues weren't around but they make for good photo ops. I don't remember the aviary being around in my 1st visit but it was pretty nice and I half expected a dinosaur to pop out.

I was looking foward to the rainforest of the americas and that didn't disappoint. I'm not sure what it was before but it is streamlined and ties the animals together. I loved the toucans and the sea otters but I was disappointment with the goliath spider. It seemed to be hiding really really well or it was out for a nap. The one big difference I noticed is that there was no peacocks walking around everywhere and no shrieking from them. I only saw one and it was on the tram tour and it was in a backlot area.

The more things change the more they stay the same, I unintentionally wore my jordan jersey(it still fits me) just like during my last visit. I'm glad the LA Zoo hasn't changed much over the years. I hope it's not a long time before I go again as I didn't get to see the polar bears or the seals or the tigers. The pictures are un photoshopped.

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