Monday, September 15, 2014

Road rage video shot near downtown la

Ok I'll start off with the link to the video so you can see for yourself what happens. I think it takes place on the 60 or the 5 (it's been awhile since I been on the freeway in that area) and you can see the skyscrapers of downtown la in the background. I find it really hard to believe a grown man can act like this. If you can't see the video or prefer not to watch it, a man has a camera in his car and a guy in a tan corolla gets mad for no reason. I assume he got mad because the camera car was not stuck in traffic. The corolla driver then violently cuts him off and brake checks him and even hangs out of the door still. The craziest move is when he gets out of his car in the middle of traffic. I also forgot that he also comes to a complete stop when he has a clear path just to get the camera car to stop. He almost rams him from the side a few times. I don't know what causes someone to just terrorize an innocent driver, saying he has mental problems or is having a bad day just seems like a crutch for his behavior. The corolla driver got really lucky since a car could have merged when he was busy tormenting the camera car or when he got out or when he came to a complete stop. Hopefully the cops find this guy before he comes across someone that wont put up with his act or he causes a big pileup.

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