Sunday, October 19, 2014

The wonder years 54-56

The first episode I saw was pretty forgettable and can be summed up pretty quickly. Kevin always beats paul in games of 1 on 1 basketball so kevin is worried when paul wants to try out for the b-ball team. Kevin tries to reason with paul over how much he sucks, when that fails he resorts to telling coach cutlip how much paul sucks. One day paul has enough of kevin's lack of support so they play a game which paul finally wins. The day paul tries out and makes the team while kevin is his biggest supporter.

The 2nd episode I saw involves coach cutlip(kevin's gym teacher). Kevin is christmas shopping with his mom when he see's CC working as a mall santa. The next day at school he is treated nicely by CC so he won't tell the other kids about what he saw. The others are annoyed that kevin is getting treated like a king so he accidentally tells them CC works at the mall. The kids mob up and look for CC at the mall. They never find out he is the santa. My favorite quote from this episode "I want to make kids happy". Which when taken out of context sounds pretty bad however as a gym teacher he usually tortures them so it's nice to see a different side of CC.

The 3rd episode I saw was about student elections. It is a straight foward episode which is why this is pretty short. Paul nominates kevin to run for student president against becky slater. They go back and forth in a vicious "prank" war. Kevin has a chance to look at becky's speech but he decides not to and when paul gives a speech about how kevin is an honest man, he resigns from the race.

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