Friday, May 20, 2016

Retro fridays and is not a website(maybe it is, I haven't tried it) but a portable video game console by tiger electronics. It came out in the mid 90's to compete against the gameboy. Yes it's that tiger electronics that also made giga pets and those handheld licensed games that have extremely limited gameplay and 1 static screen

Anyways the console itself is not backlit or front lit like the gameboy pocket but it does have more big names like resident evil 2 and mortal kombat trilogy and fighter's megamix and duke nukem and the lost world jurassic park

The bad part is the extremely choppy framerate and watered down gameplay that ruins these AAA games and what lead to the downfall of the

It was ahead of it's time thanks to the web browser and email program but it didn't nudge the needle much and it quickly went down to $19.99 then 9.99 in price

I have never owned one but I do hope to find one for cheap

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