Wednesday, April 6, 2016

The people vs oj part 10 aka the last episode

It's no secret what the verdict would be in this trial so it's come to this. I don't remember that much of the episode since it was 90 minutes long and I had work today so I was focused on providing great customer service. Anyways what I do remember is that everyone is happy to finally see the ending of the trial

There is a scene where oj is in jail and a guard asks him for his autograph and tells oj from what he hears from his guard buddies at the jury hotel, that it looks like oj will be free soon. Marcia clark and chris darden and johnny cochran all give a closing statement

Now it's up to the jury so they all go to a meeting room while the lawyers and everyone else involved in the trial think it is a mini vacation and the verdict won't be for awhile. Surprise! we see the jury argue amongst themselves with one juror stubbornly admitting he will only vote not guilty and nothing can convince them

Another juror suggests everyone pay attention to the facts like the blood evidence. The verdict is reached in 4 hours which seems to be really fast(even if they also had lunch) so the lawyers have to rush to the courtroom where the decision is announced

He ends up being not guilty in case you didn't know and then old news footage of the real reactions from various people in 1995 is shown. Robert Kardashian is sick to his stomach that a guilty man is innocent and he throws up in a bathroom sink

He has a "I knew he did it" glance with marcia and they both understand each other. Marcia, chris and gil give a press conference that ends with chris crying. I don't remember much of the episode and I believe there was 30 mins left but I am drawing a blank. Oh there was a part at the end where it shows the real picture of that person such as robert kardashian and it tells them what they did after the trial

I half expected for oj to be guilty in this show as a way to draw interest

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