Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Today is the 17th anniversary of columbine

The one thing I most remember about 4/20(besides my bday being 4 months away) is the columbine shootings. I remember being confused over why would someone do this and what if it happened when I was in school

The sad part is that school shootings still happened and continue to happen(such as sandy hook and shootings in mexico) no matter what kind of control is placed on guns. The 2 shooters also had home made bombs that failed to explode so that day could have been a lot more tragic

It is easy to blame video games however the shooters had serious mental issues and snapped, it's as simple as that. Whenever I am at a school and the fire alarm goes off I half expect it to be for a shooter on campus and that scares me a lot

I have usually being in bathrooms when alarms go off so if the unthinkable were to happen, I would hide behind the door and wait for a shooter to come in and crouch low then trip them and hit them with their gun

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