Wednesday, August 16, 2017

My sister's first day of kindergarden was yesterday

and it was a touching emotional moment. Despite the fact that she is my sister, I treat her like a daughter almost, as we have a 20+ year age difference. I was there at the hospital when she was born and I remember that day very clearly and I was there when she got to go home from said hospital. I was the one that took care of her while my mom had post partem depression and I had to keep things sane and calm. My sister has built a bond with me over the years and now she's growing up before my eyes and camera lens. She went to the same elementary school that I did a long time ago, she is also in the same room(that was coincidence) that I was in all those years ago. It was a unseasonably cool and cloudy morning and I was listening to 1979 by the smashing pumpkins to set the mood as it felt weirdly nostalgic yesterday

Maybe because the more things change the more they stay the same, I got weird deja vu walking around my old school and seeing how different I view the world now compared to as a child. Life is something we all take for granted, all the sights and sounds and experiences and memories, they stay with us throughout our lifetimes but we look back with fondness. Make the most of it

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