Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The people vs oj part 9

This is the 2nd to last episode(yes the last episode is already next week) so the finish line is in sight and the momentum has already shifted to oj's side thanks to the glove play by chris darden. Anyways this episode is about mark furhman

He makes a grand return to the series and in the courtroom but that comes later. A detective contacts a lady(I'm not sure who she was) who has the mark furhman tapes. She interviewed him for a tell all book and supposedly these tapes reveal how much of a racist he is.

There is a lot of arguing in this episode and it brings previous side stories onto a finish. For example, chris finally yells at marcia that she only wanted him because of his skin color and she should have listened to him and not have introduced mark furhman as a witness

Meanwhile johnny is seeming trying to start another riot(this was 3 years after the rodney king riots) as he is gathering protesters to release the mark tapes. Robert shapiro confronts him as he see's what johnny is doing and he does not want more riots.

Chris also has 2 meltdowns in court as does judge itho but they forgive each other but onto the good stuff. Both sides finally listen to the mark tapes(as in cassettes in a cassette player) and it is obvious he is extremely racist(he drops lots of n bombs).

The defense is overjoyed as this further exposes how corrupt the lapd is(maybe it still is) meanwhile chris darden and marcia clark realize mark should not have been a witness in the 1st place as they have to now defend a racist.

Mark returns to the courthouse and he might as well be darth vader or have the imperial march in the background. Every single eyeball in that courtroom is looking right at him. He does not have a single friend as both sides hate him for similar and different reasons.

He pleads the 5th to johnny's questions most importantly when johnny asks him if he has planted evidence. That is the last shrewd of hope marcia had and it is now gone

The jury has turned to believe oj and it is amazing how fast things went downhill for marcia. It is almost like a metaphor for life in that being too cocky will turn out bad for you. The racism undertones of this show are still relevant

I already know what happens to oj but it is interesting to see what the show does next. For example johnny has yet to say his famous line "if it doesn't fit then you must acquit"

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