Wednesday, November 9, 2016

It seems like people are down in the dumps today so I got some good news

You know since D.Trump won the presidency and all it seems like a lot of people are :/ or sad or can't believe he really did it. It's very similar to the cubs winning the 2016 world series. Yesterday I posted a blog about background checks and about an hour after I posted it I got a call from burlington and yes I was offered the job and I accepted it, I got some emails and got an employee burlington account and I had to fill in some epaperwork and all that good stuff. The handbook and similar material is in doc and pdf format so I put it on my phone and I will give it a good read soon then list my house of availability and hopefully I get scheduled unlike my last employer

The ironic thing about all this is how easy it seems and how this is my 4th job this year(yes I count the previous one even though I didn't work a single minute for them), it's seasonal though I will be be job hunting again before I know it but I'll enjoy the break from job hunting and I like burlington coat factory

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