Friday, November 18, 2016

Retro fridays and teenage mutant ninja turtles turtle pies

This blog post will be short and most likely not sweet, turtle pies are not poop like it's name seems to suggest, they are those snack pies that are usually 79 or 89 cents and are lumped in with other snack foods like nutter butters and ding dongs. I indulge in a snack pie from time to time and I prefer the chocolate kind because it has chocolate pudding inside. The outside is a hard pie crust that has the shape of a calzone or hot pocket but it's hard

Tmnt turtle pies were just like this but the crust/inflated calzone was colored green and the filling was colored yellow. Sure these were tmnt colors but as a food product it was a turn off, who wants to eat something green that isn't usually green. Yeah it didn't last long and I only miss the package but not the actual pie itself

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