Friday, May 12, 2017

Retro fridays and sonic 3D blast

Sonic 3D blast was the first sonic game in 3D well that might be an exaggeration as it probably wasn't the first 3D sonic game and sonic 3D is an isometric perspective game so it might not be true 3D. Think of the gba spyro games or super mario rpg and it has similar graphics and camera angle. But at the time it was a breakthrough even if the game isn't that much fun. I had a good time as a kid just exploring the levels and I wasn't sure what to do but it was nice to break free of the 2D side scrolling left to right.  While it brought something different it was a let down especially with the sega saturn port as sonic xtreme got cancelled. I had sonic 3D blast for a brief time when I briefly owned a sega genesis and just could not stop playing it

Nowadays it's seen as a black sheep but back in the 90's, sonic 3D blast was pretty impressive and the genesis version has good reviews

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