Wednesday, June 10, 2015

I really don't like cockroaches

I mentioned it before but I'll say it again, why do roaches exist? all they do is gross me out. I woke up at 1am and was hearing some scratching sounds(I have my stuff under my bed in teyvek envelopes or plastic trash bags. I thought it was a mouse but then I saw something small and black run across the floor. I got up and got one of my dad's shoes then SMACK, the roach was dead. Just like an informercial  WAIT! there's more! another roach came out from under the dresser. I tried to smack it but it was zipping around so having had enough I went into the bathroom with the shoe. I was hoping it would calm down and walk slowly through the floor where it would be easily visible.

However this roach must have came from a horror movie because it came in through a really small crack in the corner of the door. Here's where it get's scary, I could hear it scratching against the door. I eventually killed it but no after it spread it's wings(gah!) Oh and I threw both of them away in the trash. I used a small flat rate box from USPS becaues they stick onto the sticky part.  30 mins passed after it was all said and down however I thought a 3rd roach would pop out so i waited until 2am. Well a 3rd roach did come out only it was through the front door. 

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