Wednesday, December 21, 2016

2016 has been good to me

Unlike the majority of people that complain about how horrible 2016 was and want it to end, my 2016 has been mostly good. Now many of you know how my 2015 went and how horrible it was so this year went well for me. I got not one but 4 jobs(3 really but I count one of them since I was hired) and my mom got a job too so things turned around in my family. The bad news is that my grandpa died in feb and I have made peace with it

His last conversation with me he told me to try hard at my new job and to get myself a small car and a girlfriend who isn't lazy because I have a lot of good qualities to offer a woman, The family f150 also had maintenance problems that my dad didn't bother(he is lazy so parts finally gave up) and it is 16 years old so things were finally bound to go wrong. So no running truck for now(I think it's the yoke axel that needs lubrication) but at least everyone in my family works(except for my 4 year old sister) I have had good finds at the swap meet and yard sales and good hot wheels finds and my co workers are nice at my new job

I finally got to see the cubs win the world series and the lakers have turned things around and the rams moved back to los angeles. You got to take the bad with the good and there has been a lot more good in 2016 in my life

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