Saturday, December 31, 2016

Retro saturdays and mr bucket

"I'm mr bucket"  that's all I remember from the commercial. Mr bucket is a board game or it was lumped in with board games but it's a game you can play with friends/family/cats. I never owned one as it was too expensive when it was new and my mom probably thought there was something vaguely sexual about a bucket that shoots balls out of it's mouth. I did play with one in elementary school

The game involves using the little shovels to scoop the balls into the bucket part of mr bucket meanwhile he spits them out of his mouth. That's all there is to it and maybe the kreepy eyes had something to do with the bucket being taken off the market. Maybe because it's also easy to change his name into a profanity and maybe someone stuck something else inside that permanent :O mouth

I still want one

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