Thursday, December 1, 2016

My 1st day at burlington went well

My co workers are really nice and willing to help out even my(scary to me) manager on duty(because they have the power to fire you on the spot). I had a mini team rally to start my shift and I had an experienced cashier show me the ropes then I was eventually off on my own. Things mostly went smoothly although I did want to be fast with bagging and payment but the security tags slow me down. The process to remove them can take awhile if someone has multiple products with security tags on them. I don't mind though and I find them fun, things picked up around lunch time and after it and I was handling things like a pro

Tomorrow is my 2nd day and I look forward to it and my coworkers are easy to get along with and we all help each other. I wish more stores had this kind of positive environment

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