Friday, December 30, 2016

Retro fridays and payphones

Yes I am well aware payphones still exist but they were a lot more prominent in the 90's. Cellphones were around but they were expensive especially for a kid or a teenager or anyone actually so lots of people resorted to a payphone. It's exactly what it sounds like, a phone you pay to use. Usually they were inside a small both to protect the phone from the elements and to give the caller some privacy. I'm not aware of the rates but I do remember it was 50 cents or less to make a local 10 minute call

Usually I would call my mom to pick me up from some place and I would avoid the nasty phone where you would probably catch something just by being close to it. You would pick up the receiver and dial the number and turn the volume up since it was always too low and even the highest setting is still too low. You would put your coins in and make a quick call that you wouldn't believe cost that much $ and it should be cheaper

Cellphones pretty much put an end to a payphone except for me. I went from 2007 to 2016 without a cellphone with service in it. I had to look up and make mental and physical notes of payphones around me because I still used one as recently as march of this year. I haven't had service on my phone since november so I will continue to use payphones. Hopefully they don't go away soon as when I see one I think of my childhood

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