Friday, October 16, 2015

I miss trick or treating

I used to do it every year when I was little and I would give anything to be 10 again and go trick or treating. I had a cool orange pumpkin bucket and I would go close to my house and walk for blocks and blocks just getting candy. I would always go with my brother and cousins so we had our own little group. I had a pumpkin flashlight too and a glow stick so I was visible across the block. We would try to maximize our candy ratio for a good haul. There was always 2 houses that had good haunted houses and they would give out good candy at the end and they are still there

I remember seeing the various costumes and my favorite was a jack from jack in the box. My best haul was getting a kingsize payday and snickers and reese's at one house. Oh and the cops would patrol around to keep things safe and you could take pictures with them(I did and still have it). There was a lot of kids trick or treating and it was fun and safe. It's sad how almost no houses now have no halloween decorations and there's much less kids that trick or treat

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