Wednesday, September 16, 2015

I thought about taking an unpaid internship far away

I'm getting pretty desperate job hunting so I figured I need to make a drastic change by which I mean apply for unpaid internships. However here is the negative like all things in life. A lot of photography/photoshop internships that fit my skills(entry level position) are located in downtown LA. This is far for me to even drive let alone take a bus. Ironically there is a bus that goes by the heart of downtown and it passes close to my house. So I could pay $2.20 to get there and back but and this is a big BUT(heh) it takes 2.5 hours to get there and that is a happy estimate by the bus schedule. Factor in traffic and that the bus doesn't go on the freeway and it's more like 3 to 3.5 hours. That is a long time to spend on a bus each day. I could take a bus and a train but that would be more exppppensive.

I do have some money saved for school but this is where the desperation would be strong. Obviously I couldn't go to school because I would be spending my money on food and fare and I wouldn't have time. I would be gambling on building a portfolio that may or may not get me hired. Gah I just wish someone close by would hire me and make my life a lot easier.

I'm starting to get a lot of grey hairs due to the stress, I have to pluck them every day and I'm considering getting just for men even though I am in my 20's. Anyways taking an internship in downtown LA would be high risk and medium reward. In the meantime I will apply at a gonzales northgate market and smart & final and round 1. But I'll do all this after I finish my essay for english class.

Ironically I do like to write just not an essay, It exposes my poor grammar skills and lack of understanding of thesis statments and the english language(it's my 2nd language). I hope to finish them tomorrow or friday because I need to apply, I can't just split myself into 2 but I can pay someone to apply at stores for me.    there's an idea. I didn't mean to make this blog entry so long but I just couldn't stop writing. Ironically this entry is longer then my essay

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