Friday, July 1, 2016

Retro fridays and John Cena the doctor of thuganomics

Before John Cena became the hustle loyalty and respect goody good that he is today, he was a bad boy who called himself the doctor of thuganomics

He still wore his jorts but he topped it off with a jersey or shirt related to the city that night's show was at. He wore a chain with a padlock as a necklace that he would use in matches although he would use it when the referee wasn't looking unlike today's john cena that doesn't use a weapon at all or doesn't use dirty tactics

John would pump up his shoes before doing the 5 knuckle shuffle and the A.A. was called the F.U for obvious reasons. The STF was called the STFU and I'm not sure why he only got rid of 1 letter

His shirts were similar but more edgy with my favorite being the ruck fules (switch the r and the f)  but what most of us miss(who watched him during this period) is his theme song and his raps

His theme song was better sounding and he would often rap. Usually it was directed towards his opponent and other times it was towards the city and how much it sucked, sometimes it was both and those were great raps

Nowadays he's made to look like a superman but back then he actually tapped out and lost matches with no problems

I hope he comes back to that gimmick for at least a month before he retires. Yes he had a one night only return as the doctor of thuganomics but that was too short for fans like me

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