Saturday, July 16, 2016

Retro saturdays and i.d. braclets

There's a rite of passage that's common for every student in elementary school and that is an i.d. bracelet. Most kids don't want one and that's fine but there's always at least 1 or 5 kids in your class that buys one from the order form which itself brings great nostalgia

The form is a manila like envelope with the patterns printed on the front, you pick from(off the top of my head) a cowboy, a space shuttle, a horse carriage, sail boat and dolphins

Then you write down the information you want engraved on the mini plaque, I choose my name and address and phone number hence the name I.D. Bracelet. It arrives 6 to 8 weeks later but to my little kid self it feels like years, in the same manilla like envelope

For years I wore that among with my casio calulator watch and now I realize I can get a smart watch that does everything and I'll have more space on my wrist

I'm tempted to buy another one just in case I time travel and get lost somehow

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