Thursday, April 23, 2015

Fahrenheit 451 is slowly becoming true

Yes that book which you probably read in middle school(I did). I randomly decided to rent it from the library(yes I actually go there and fairly often too). The book came out in the 1953 and Ray Bradbury's vision of the future is kreepy at times(yes I typed it with a K). He predicted the 1 eyed mechanical snake that looks inside a person, earbuds and mp3 players. Robot doggs(even though they don't have 8 legs I can still buy one), smart tvs(that's what I assume the parlor walls are). People just not caring much about anything except violence and tabloids and how vapid and shallow people are. The one that is slowly becoming true is books are going extinct. Thanks to tablets and ereaders and our instant society, less books and magazines are made. Barnes and noble is the only bookstore around as borders and crown bookstore have gone down. Even some magazines have stopped being published like nintendo power and cosmo girl. Why wait for the newest issue of a magazine when you can buy it online the minute it's published. It's not illegal to own books but I hope they don't become a burden and then outlawed. If that happens I'll hoard my print media while the firemen try to find them

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