Monday, May 11, 2015

I am a hypochondriac

Which is ironic because I spend a lot of time worrying about getting a job, anyways I always feel like I have a stomach ulcer or I'll get one pretty soon. I also feel like I have low blood pressure(isn't it usually high blood pressure?) and my most recent health worry is parasites. Yes I feel like I have some sort of parasite like a tape worm in my body. It would explain a lot of things like mood changes and why i wake up at the witching hour(3:33 am) every day and why I can never gain weight or why I can lose weight so easily. Those are off the top of my head so I searched the article I was reading earlier. I do have a lot of anxiety and restlessness(mostly centered around getting a job) and bloating and digestive issues and why I suddenly have an allergy to pork.

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