Thursday, May 7, 2015

Starbucks has some strong coffee so it made me feel like a loser

Ok here's the deal, I went with my dad yesterday to SB and I got a carmel macchiato. Ok that doesn't sound so bad right? well I'm lactose intolerant and thanks to my k.cobain like body. caffeine effects me pretty strongly. Yesterday it didn't hit me as much but this morning it did, I had a weird urge to listen to my immortal by evanescence around 7am(yes I'm a morning and night person which would explain a lot of things). Then my emotions steamrolled from there and I was on edge and feeling extremely bi polar and wondering why I couldn't get a job and why won't someone just give me a chance. That left me feeling bummed so I read some funny fart stories to feel better. I was pretty much like this all day. So of course my mom got me strong coffee which I had to drink. I'm finally feeling somewhat calm and I applied at a blinds store and ralph's and I have 3 other places to apply at from indeed.

Then I will keep hoping to get a call back from the 99 cents store district manager and also keep worrying about GETTING A JOB! since summer school registration will start soon. One of my biggest worries back in january(that seems so far away now) was getting a job to pay for School(yes I did that on purpose). Today my dad gave me some money from his tax return for school and I almost cried. He supports me in life(not just financially) unlike my mom(which is another story). So I don't have to stress about selling my tablet to pay for an access code for a digital book for a class and I would be able to go to summer school even if it's for one class

I realize this is a longish post but this is what caffeine also does to me, it makes me want to do productive things like writing. I also felt like letting out that mini rant. Oh yeah the topic title, I always feel like an unemployed loser when I drink strongish coffee. I'll end this with wish me luck as I hope to get a job very soon.

P.S today I also searched CL and linkdin and indeed

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