Monday, December 1, 2014

One of my biggest driving pet peeves

This always bothers me and I'm sure it bothers other people too especially when you realize how often it happens. Anywho onto my biggest pet peeve. Let me set the scene/mood for you, imagine your coming up onto a traffic light and there's 2 cars in the lane your in. In the next lane there's 5 or 6 cars. This would be simpler if I drew a picture but I am horrible at drawing just like how mike tyson was to evander's ear. When you come upon that unique scenario(not!) the car in front of you will merge into the lane with less cars. Now while that doesn't seem so bad(maybe their in a hurry to catch the opera). Here is what really chaps my butt and why it annoys me. When the light turns green and all the other cars go, the lane switcher will suddenly turn into my step grandma and accelerate as if the road was made of marshmallow

That means he'll go slow as in very s l o w l y. If the person was obviously bothered by 3 cars in front of them then why do they accelerate slowly. It seems like their in a hurry but not really. What's the point of changing into the lane with less cars if your just doing to drive 15 mph under the speed limit. Maybe it was aliens, after all, the truth is out there

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