Tuesday, October 11, 2016

I have a beef with the term Millenial

For the longest time as I was growing up the term millenial did exist(yes it's not a 2010's thing) and it was used to describe kids born around the new millenium hence the term millenial. I believe the years were 1998 to 2002 that were millenials and I still stand firm with this reasoning. This decade all of a sudden the term millenial changed to include people born between 1980 to 200 whatever random year. This does not make sense

I can not relate to things with someone born in the year 2000 as I grew up in a time where computers were expensive and incredibly uncommon among with cellphones. My dad didn't get a cellphone until 2001 and even then, it's not like he spent his time glued to it going on the internet and playing games. It was a cheap sprint monochrome(think gameboy) screen phone. If I wanted to look something up then I would have to go to the library compared to someone born in say 1999 who buy the time they were say 6 years old they could google something

People born in the 80's and early 90's should not be lumped in with someone born in the late 90's to early 00's, they have completely different life experiences growing up and are from completely different generations. Furthermore, someone born in the 80's to late 90's has a lot more patience as they did not grow up attached to the internet compared to a true millenial

Millenials are kids that need everything on demand and are attached to their phones 24/7 and stream things on netflix all day. This does not describe my generation at all so don't judge me with a 15 year old

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