Friday, October 28, 2016

Retro fridays and goosebumps tv episode: go eat worms!

Yes the thought of eating worms is pretty gross so this book and episode appeals to elementary school boys. Main character todd is an elementary school boy who likes worms, perhaps a little too much as his room is plastered with pictures and jars and models and posters of worms, as if that isn't enough, he uses the basement as a worm farm.  Said worm farm is just a big long fish tank with dirt and possibly hundreds of worms. It is gross when you think about it but anyways onto the episode. Todd uses the worms to play pranks on his sister such as stuffing a whole bunch in the mouth of a pinata like bird so when the sister picks it up a whole bunch fall out. She swears revenge on todd but the worms help her cause

One example is them sneaking into todd's sandwhich that he avoids eating by trading it with his best friend. The best friend thinks todd put the worms their on purpose and hence why he wanted to trade lunches. One night todd goes to bed and finds his bed filled with worms and his sister can't be blamed as she's sleeping over at a friend's house. Despite this, todd blames his sister using little kid logic that makes no sense because that's how kids are. I'm not sure where or how it happens but todd is out in the forest doing weirdo kid stuff when he falls into a huge hole. He gets scared and possibly strangled by a giant worm that's the mother worm of all the worms todd has been a jerk to. Nothing happens to him because this is a kid's show but todd does learn his lesson and gets rid of his worms but develops a new hobby of fishing

Yes real worms are used and this episode grossed me out when I was little and it's still gross so don't watch it on an empty stomach

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