Saturday, October 22, 2016

Retro saturdays and chuck rock the game

This game may not be as nostalgic as it was/is for me and that's ok. I got this game at some indoor swap meet that I don't remember where it was at. I been trying to search my memory banks for it and the only thing I remember is that it was in a hotel like building that now I'm sure was probably a convention because it was on the 2 or 3 or 4th floors. Now onto the game, I bought this game brand new and because it was a cheap brand new super nintendo game. Back then there was no way to know if a game was good or not, you only had the front cover and the back descriptions and screenshots and it was up to you. Sometimes I picked good games like super mario kart and other times I struck out like the rocketeer and this time I struck out horrendously

If you never played it then don't, chuck rock is a simple by the numbers platformer made by sony(that blows my mind now) for the snes,genesis and gameboy and I think it was on a 4th system too.  What still brings me back memories is the money I spent ($8) for this game and finding out it was ridiculously hard even more so for a kids game. Chuck is a guy with a beer belly and that describes the physics of this game well, he barely had any hops therefore making the game already hard. Then there's enemies that respawn extremely fast and flying ones that come out of nowhere and blind leaps of faith and random bits of deadly thorn bushes. It is extremely hard to get to the 2nd level but I have done it and there is no shame in not getting past the 1st level as many have tried

I quickly realized that life isn't fair and things won't always go my way, So if you want to teach some kids a lesson then give them this game

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