Friday, October 21, 2016

Retro fridays and the little rascals movie

The little rascals movie is a reboot of the 50's and 60's tv show but for modern kids(for the time) as a way to bridge the generation gap with their parents. I don't remember the very 1st time I saw this movie, I think it may have been when my cousins showed it to me at their house then I borrowed it and copied it to a blank cassette tape. Sadly I taped over that movie with the simpsons halloween episodes then later got a new cassette and taped the little rascals from a saturday abc showing(with commercials too) and that's how I got that movie

Ok onto the movie, it stars a group of kids that seem plucked out of the 50's and into modern day(for it's time) california. They hang out at their club house and have a club called he man woman haters. Oh the main kids from the group are afalfa and spanky. Afalfa starts to spend time with a girl named darla and spanky gets jealous he'll lose his best friend so he and the gang sabotage the date and make it look it like was afalfa's fault. This leads to darla spending time with the rich kid named waldo whose dad is played by donald trump. Yes he's a jerk in this movie as he steals popcorn from a lady and his son is a d-bag who thinks he's better then everyone

During all this, our favorite kids derby car gets stolen by the buillies who then repaint it. With spanky and afalfa not talking to each other, the gang can't build a new car without their help somehow so for plot convenience the 2 guys decide to make up(actually buckwheat plays a part in this) and using various things from around town(such as a trash can and wagon wheels and folding tables) the blur is reborn as the blur 2. Without giving away much of the ending, the movie does have a happy ending and waldo gets his come uppance. What makes this movie timeless and adorable are the hijinks of the kids that are lifted straight from the show such as trying to put out the fire at the clubhouse and spanky flying around on the water house, trying to buy a lot of lumber with only a few cents, trying to get money from a checking account at a bank by dressing up as tall bearded men, the way they run and shout. Everything about them is funny

If you never seen it, you should just for the timelessness(if not for the cars you would never know when this took place) of the kids. I still watch it from time to time.  Oh I should mention that it's funny to see all the cameos from celebrities in this movie. My sister will grow up knowing who raven symone and donald trump are but she won't get the mary kate and ashley oslen and reba cameos. It's weird how that works as I didn't figure that buckwheat's girlfriend and waldo's dad would become more famous then the olsen twins

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