Tuesday, August 26, 2014

First day of school

In case your wondering how it went, well I spent most of my 2D class worrying about how I am going to pay for all the supplies. Once the class let out I went to the library and couldn't go on ebay fast enough. Ebay had some good deals but what really saved me is jo-ann's fabrics. I was able to find graphite pencils for cheap and the gum eraser and I realized things aren't so expensive if I buy them at jo-ann's. I was temporarily bummed when some of the materials had an online only sticker but jo-ann's has flate rate $1.99 shipping tomorrow. My freehand draw class is what depressed me. I was expecting the lab portion to be......well a lab. In art labs the teachers don't mind if you leave early as long as you don't book it as soon as the lab starts and if you actually accomplish something. This teacher's syllabus says you have to stay for the whole 3 hours and 5 minutes unless you have a valid excuse. This worries me because the last bus passes by at 10:19 I think. I would have to run down the hill and hope it doesn't pass by earlier then normal. In case your wondering I don't have any friends in either classes and I don't have any friends at school that drive nor can my parents pick me up since we have 1 working car at the moment and my dad is at work when I get out of school. It stressed me out so much worrying about missing the last bus that I almost got sick, In case your wondering why the class was depressing, it made me think of how I can't get a job and if only I had a job I could have a vespa style scooter and I wouldn't have to be so worried about missing the last bus. In case anyone reading would like to give me a ride back home from rio hondo to lambert and colima I would appreciate it a lot and will be forever in debt to your priceless advice

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