Saturday, August 16, 2014

Saturdays feel more retro then thursdays

As much I want to partake in throwback thursdays, saturdays just feel more retro. I think it's because of all the cartoons that used to be on in the 90's and I loved going to yardsales ever since I was very litle. I went with my mom though obviously. Anyways I didn't have cable when I was little but I didn't need it since on saturday mornings I would tune in to fox and they would air: Goosebumps,toonslyvania,space goofs,eek the cat,life with louie,silver surfer,x-men,spiderman, mighty morphin power rangers,bobbi's world and others I'm forgetting. Here's a commercial for fox kids link. Sometimes I would also watch ABC with their one saturday morning line up. They would air: pepper ann,recess,sabrina the teenage witch and others. CBS and NBC were no slouches either. As a kid we had lots of choices of what to watch on a saturday morning. Sometimes I would be trying to watch 3 things at once. Nowadays it makes me a little sad over the current state of saturday morning programming. The local channels are dominated by infomercials and nature shows while CW(formally WB) is the only channel that airs programming targeted towards kids. I applaud them for keeping the spirit of my childhood alive even though I only really like 2 or 3 shows from there lineup. I'm not alone as you can see from the rating, sure CW isn't getting Fox like 1996 ratings but they are doing well. No matter how old I get I always look foward to getting up on a saturday to watch cartoons and go to yard sales 

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