Thursday, August 14, 2014

Negative nancies in video games

My title doesn't mean negative nancies in actual games but people who play games to complain about them. Maybe it's because I grew up in a time when the internet wasn't what is now but when I was little if you didn't like a game then you kept it to yourself or wrote to a video game magazine and maybe they might publish your letter. Nowadays everyone seems to have a stick up their butt over video games. It seems like minor things in a game become huge problems and then the game is "trash". If a person doesn't like a game they can complain on a message board. It's the most noticeable at video game conventions where people will be complaining about a game's trailer video as if they already played the final version. I don't know why they play video games if the only reason they play is to be better. I now I enjoy all sorts of video games that are bad or good. I keep an open mind and don't dwell on the small things. I don't know what started this fad but it is annoying and it can apply to movies too which I'll cover in another post

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