Wednesday, December 30, 2015

I been having dreams about getting bit by a rattlesnake(no pictures in the post)

It's a recurring theme in my dreams where I am somewhere and a rattlesnake bites me. The most recent one was last night/early this morning, I was wrangling a rattlesnake I had my foot behind it's neck(I was wearing shoes) when it suddenly turned around and struck, biting me.

It didn't hurt and I woke up shortly after. I been looking at various websites about what it means and have come up with different meanings.
1. It's a wake up call (I don't need one, I already know I'm a failure in life)
2. aging  (most likely this)
3. situtation or actvitity or behavior in life that is "poisonous"(probably the toxic environment my mom has created with her negativity or how I have isolated myself from fb and most of my friends except for 3 of them and that I hate my life)
4. Ignoring obvious warning signs(The only obvious warning sign is my unhealthy diet)
5. feeling threatened by something(I am threatened by my mom)
6. Something is getting in your way and it is keeping you from being able to pursue your goals to the fullest(again also my mom, she didn't want me to work fast food when I turned 18 and I had a job offer back then, she also doesn't want me working at a gas station when I also had an offer then blamed me because I can't get a job. I could have had a job already if not for my mom and suppose I worked at carl's jr when I was 18.)

(I'll continue this, I would have moved onto bigger things and would have done photography gigs and would have saved enough $ to get a mustang so I could apply at locations in downtown la or hollywood with no problems. My life would have been a lot better if only my mom didn't get mad at me for having an interview at carl's jr when I was 18. Even now, I don't use the computer to do a lot of picture editing because my mom says I'm on fb a lot even though I don't use it all. Then there is the fact that my mom doesn't encourage me in any positive manner at all and instead does the opposite)

I should also mention it's been a snake in the dreams that is always the same color and a similar size. Something in the 7 to 10 feet range. I am not afraid of snakes(I respect them though) and have touched them so it's not a fear of them that's giving me "nightmares". It's a darker color rattlesnake similar to a boa constrictor but with a rattle

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