Friday, September 2, 2016

Retro fridays and highlighs magazine

Despite the fact that it is still in production today, I consider highlights magazine a product of my childhood. Maybe because it was a simpler time but that magazine seemed bigger and packed with more content

Anyways highlights is a magazine for kids and it has random facts and comics and things to do and make and puzzles and some informative articles such as black bears. I mostly read it for the goofus and galant comics

Which are 2 boys and one is always doing everything by the book aka a square and the other always does things in a hurry and half assed. You can tell which one is goofus and which one is gallant

I don't remember if I had a subscription or not or if I simply read the newest copy at the school library but I do remember that I read a lot of issues of highlights. I may have checked the bill me later box and kept that for a year or 2. Even though it's for kids, it still is a quick fun read as an adult and it always takes me back to my childhood

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