Saturday, September 24, 2016

Retro saturdays and the spice girls

"Yo I'll tell you what I want what I really really want" that is the spice girls most famous song that is still well known today, don't believe me? try blasting it at a party and see how many people remember it and start dancing

Anywho the spice girls are(were) a 5 girl boy band only they are british and have a nickname and the last name of spice. The most famous of them now is victoria beckham aka posh spice. My favorite is baby spice, They were huge especially in 1997, you could not escape spice girls fever. I wasn't too keen on the music but I tolerated it as it was EVERYWHERE. Think beatlemania to give you an idea of how enormously popular the girls were

Just how quickly they came into our lives, the girls went out of it but for those of us that grew up in the 90's, we hear the famous intro and can't help but smile. Sure the songs can be sweet bubble gum pop but they give me nostalgia; Here's the link to wannabe

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